About Uncriticized

I’m Neda, and Uncritticized is my portal for unfiltered, unmediated and unbiased reflection on life, burnout, work, relationships and more.  

These truths are my own, they are not universal. I challenge myself to come out with them for myself and what I find important, breaking through the fear of being criticized. Make that what you will.

Creating Uncriticized was triggered by going through burnout. I strive to embrace this most vulnerable state of myself and to shed light on the condition and its causes as well as the journey of recovery, which can certainly be life-long. Can we talk about burnout without the eye roll? Can we talk about things that impact but we ignore? Can I stand bare and not fear your critique and the viciousness of the online world? 

On my channels, you will find musings on: 

  • My journey of recovery, which is not over yet
  • Work-life balance and sustainability in life (literal and metaphorical)
  • Burnout - before, during, after and the impact 

I talk about my burnout experience, but I mostly passionately focus on what I find to be some ailments of ‘the today’, which in my case are burnout ripple effects - relationships. Relationship with food, exercise, work, relationship with relationships, ambition and others. 

I do not claim professional expertise in any of the fields discussed (no, I don’t know better than your therapist, neither am I one), but I share from an uncriticized first-hand experience.  

I share for me, but I hope you find something for you, too. 

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